Who is Michelle Park?

Great to meet you

Let’s get better acquainted:

Are you planning your own wedding or do you know someone that is? Whatever your situation-thank you so much for visiting my website, it means everything that you might be considering me to officiate your wedding ceremony. 

If you are interested in a more personal and unique wedding ceremony and you have stumbled upon this page, you have come to the right place. Wedding celebrants, such as myself, can be the answer you are looking for. This is because our job is to curate the wedding ceremony of your dreams. What does this mean exactly? Well, it means you work in close collaboration with your chosen wedding celebrant to design something which is authentic to you. A huge part of finding the right wedding celebrant for your day therefore involves taking the time to get to know each other. This bit is quite important. There are a lot of wedding celebrants, each with their own backgrounds and styles,  but this is good news because it means you can find the right one to suit you!

With that in mind, let me tell you a little bit more about myself:

Who am I?

What ignites me with passion:

I am very happily married and have three children. They keep me very busy. Aside from my own kids, I  love being around children in general which is why I ended up as a primary school teacher for many, many years.I have always been a ‘nurturer.’ When I trained to be a celebrant, one of the questions I got asked was how my friends might describe me? So I asked them and they responded quite favorably (thank goodness (apart from calling me a lightweight)) saying things like: caring, kind, friendly and engaging. Thank you, friends! I definitely draw upon these qualities every day as a wedding celebrant-I love taking the time to really get to know my couples and their families, especially their children if they have any. In fact, one of things I like most is developing really inclusive wedding ceremonies so that all your loved ones feel a part of the day. This could be a symbolic ritual like warming of the rings, lighting a unity candle or tying the chords in handfasting. Or maybe, you’d like to get everyone up on their feet to have a bit of a sing song. I also quite like lots of traditional elements such as ring exchange, wedding vows, poems and readings. 

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Personal Reflections

How I can tell your story

Life outside of weddings:

Outside of celebrancy, I have a range of interests, which include yoga, cooking and gardening (hello middle age cliche). Since having children, I spend a lot of time standing on the side of a muddy football pitch which is hilarious as I really don’t like football! I also spend a lot of my free time writing. I always say that writing isn’t just part of my career (I love getting lost in a wedding script) it’s now a way of life. Writing a daily journal, social media posts, blog posts. It genuinely fills me with so much joy. 

When I was younger I dreamed of being an actress. I was obsessed with musicals and re-watched classic films like sound of music, upon repeat. I tried to get into drama school and often wondered what could have been. Instead of drama school, I ended up at Leeds University where I got a degree in Physiology (I am also a bit of a biology nerd).Talk about polar ends of the spectrum! I remember the tutor that interviewed me for my Uni place at the time laughed that I would be a ‘singing scientist!’ I suppose it’s this love of drama that guided me towards a career which involves public speaking. I take so much pride in the delivery of my wedding scripts.Working on the pace, pitch and volume and ensuring I can engage every single one of your loved ones during the ceremony. In fact, I know first hand the impact a good celebrant can have on your wedding ceremony. Last year, my mum married her long-term partner. To be honest, if you had told me that a wedding celebrant would be able to get my mum to open up and talk about their love story, I wouldn’t have believed you. That’s exactly what happened though. The celebrant had taken the time to talk about the little things that mattered so much to them and added so much authenticity to the wedding script. It was beautiful to watch and it stayed with me. What other times in life do we get the chance to really celebrate us as human beings and the connection we have with someone else. 

Anything Else

5 random facts about me:

Other random facts you might like to know-I love photography (check out my Instagram page where I love sharing images of stunning wedding venues from wedding photographers) and history (despite getting an E in History A-Level) so I spend a lot of time exploring historic wedding venues (see other blogs for wedding venue overviews). I am bizarrely good at accents, love a glass of red wine (but more than 3 and I’m gone) and hate heights (so please don’t ask me to jump off a tall building for your wedding ceremony, I’m definitely not your girl for that one!) 

I love living in Yorkshire and spending time in the great outdoors-as I write this blog post we have experienced the wettest Spring on record but despite this I have still managed to visit lots of wedding venues (even if my garden has been a bit neglected this year). 

Sounds of Interest?

Let’s hop on a discovery call

If you are wondering where we go from here, the best idea is to have a chat. Visit my contact page and drop me a line or give me a call.

Have more questions? You might find the FAQ page on my website of use.

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Easy Name Change -June 23


My Personal Reflections: First dates and taking chances - Spring 23